Epic Legal Win in Vaccine Mandate Battle

Epic Legal Win in Vaccine Mandate Battle

Epic Legal Win in Vaccine Mandate Battle

In a riveting conversation on Rush To Reason, host John Rush welcomes back Leslie Manookian, president and founder of the Health Freedom Defense Fund, to discuss a groundbreaking legal victory that could reshape public health mandates nationwide. Leslie shares the dramatic twists and turns of their battle against the Los Angeles Unified School District, culminating in a landmark decision by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. This discussion uncovers the intricate legal strategies, the surprising role of historical cases, and the potential national implications. Tune in to hear how this epic legal win could affect us all and challenge the status quo of vaccine mandates. Don’t miss this compelling episode!

Monday - Friday ~ 5 pm - 8 pm ET

Biden’s Shocking Neglect for America’s Safety

Biden’s Shocking Neglect for America’s Safety

Biden’s Shocking Neglect for America’s Safety

Dr. Shea Bradley-Farrell, President of the Counterpoint Institute and author of The Last Warning to the West President Joe Biden’s shocking neglect for the safety of American citizens has allowed Chinese nationals to enter the U.S. illegally by the tens of thousands through his open borders. How many of these men are sent by the CCP to infiltrate and spy on U.S. technology centers and critical infrastructure? How many are sleeper agents sent strategically ahead of military action or to devastate national infrastructures, key utilities, and communications?  

Even with intelligence officials warning that these pose a “new and imminent danger” to the U.S., Biden blatantly has refused to secure our borders for three years and allowed foreign nationals from adversarial countries like China and Russia to increasingly gain access into our country. Biden has the presidential authority to secure our borders, so why won’t he?

Take a listen to Dr. Shea Bradly-Farrell’s interview on Rush To Reason as she explains the intricacies of what is actually happening at the border and the real threat it has to America’s citizens. 

Monday - Friday ~ 5 pm - 8 pm ET

The Kangaroo Court After Trump and How You Could be Next

The Kangaroo Court After Trump and How You Could be Next

The Kangaroo Court After Trump and How You Could be Next

Did Trump do something unusual to get financing – more favorable loans for his business dealings, or is this an abuse of political power by the Democrats to keep him from conducting business in the state of New York and putting another feather in their cap to be used against him on the campaign trail?

However, the question remains: Is Trump guilty of fraud? John explains why he isn’t and tackles the long-term ramifications, its domino effect, and how this case could be used against other people in the commercial real estate world, right down to the average American homeowner.

Take a listen as John explains the ins and outs of this court case.  Later in this segment, John from Cheyenne called in and offered his insights, creating more angles on how to view this court case and what it can mean in the future.  

“Normally, when you have court cases like this and the state is going after an individual, they’re going after people like contractors.  We had one recently here in Colorado where there was a contractor that I think took people for several million dollars when it was all said and done because he never completed the projects. He kept getting deposit after deposit after deposit, but nothing ever got completed. That is fraud.” – John Rush

Monday - Friday ~ 5 pm - 8 pm ET

On the Ground in Israel – Alex Plechash

On the Ground in Israel – Alex Plechash

On the Ground in Israel – Alex Plechash

LtCol Alex Plechash, USMC (ret.), joined us and shared his experiences from his journey to Israel, visiting the October 7, 2023 terrorist sites. As the Minnesota National RNC Committeeman, Alex was part of an RNC group that gained access to some of Israel’s top leadership and regions profoundly affected by terrorism. Take a listen to the interview below and find out more through Alex’s writings from his Facebook posts.

“I mean this literally, Alex; these guys (Hamas) are just literal evil butchers. I have no other explanation for it. In my opinion. They just need to be wiped off the planet. Done.”  – John Rush

“… This is a deep-seated issue that transcends local current politics. I’ve seen where these people (Palestinians) are brainwashed from the moment they come into this world. I’ve seen interviews where the mothers of these little kids are saying they hope they grow up to kill Jews, and it is an anti-semitic culture that is worldwide.” – Alex Plechash.

“How can you leave that people group there in Gaza next to you and think that these people, once you get rid of the people who they think are their heroes, Hamas, once you get rid of their heroes, how can you think they’re not going to rise up again and become the same problem in less than a decade?” – Andy Peth

The attack on Israeli civilians

“I’m not an expert, but my geopolitical assessment is that we might be seeing the beginnings of World War three. This may be the trigger that causes a domino effect around the world, and it’ll depend on what happens in other places in the world that are looking to see what is Israel doing and what are we doing to either help them or not help them. So from a geopolitical standpoint, this may be a far bigger thing than any of us realize.” – Alex Plechash

“I don’t know that I can argue with that.” – John Rush

Alex Plechash - On the Ground in Israel

Link to Facebook post

Link to Facebook post

Alex Plechash, LtCol USMC (ret.)

Alex Plechash, LtCol USMC (ret.)

MN RNC Committeeman

Alex is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy being the top-ranked Marine and Aerospace Engineer in his class. He spent his military career as a Marine Corps fighter pilot and fleet test pilot, flying a variety of different jets, including three different models of the F-4 Phantom. Since leaving the Marine Corps, he has had a successful and diverse career as a business executive, investment banker, and as an executive recruiter. Alex has been active in politics for over twenty years, holding various elected legislative roles. He has ascended through the ranks of the Republican Party, from local precinct chairman to a member of the Republican National Committee. 

Car Buying Guide

Car Buying Guide

Car Buying Guide

Gas prices might be easing. However, inflation and high-interest rates still make purchasing a car difficult. Find out how to save money when purchasing a vehicle before the end of the year. This conversation is especially for those on a budget, where your transportation needs are high, and you want to ensure you’re not wasting money. It doesn’t matter if you’re buying a new or used car; this segment of Rush To Reason covers both.

Grab some paper and a pencil, tune in, and walk away with a car-buying strategy.