Covid Conditioning and What About the Children?

Covid Conditioning and What About the Children?

Whatever Happened to Questioning Authority?



We’re being Conditioned in American to go along

and accept things we should not accept.

Unmasking the Mask

“We did not observe an association between mask mandates or use and reduced COVID-19 spread in US states.”

Reviewed case growth across 49 states from Jun 2020 to Mar 2021.

For parents attending school board meetings to discuss proposed mask mandates respectfully, here is a 14-page summary of a study of the efficacy of mask use and mask mandates in 49 states which found no correlation between mask mandates and covid spread.


Parents sound off on sports mask mandate

In Minnesota, A Senate committee heard from parents who blame sports injuries on masks, though MDH officials said masks are critical to preventing sports-related outbreaks. Article here

Fighting Covid Learning Loss –

Original Air Date 8/11/21

Five red flags that signal your preschooler may need extra help catching up. An interview with veteran educator and language pathologist Holly De Leon.

Developmental Red Flags for Preschoolers 

Speech delay:  If a parent says “Oh, here’s a ball,” the child should be able to say “ball”, even though they might not say a full sentence. And it should sound somewhat similar to what the parent says.  But if what the child says is unrecognizable, then that’s a problem. 

Language delay:  Very low vocabulary skills. The child has very few descriptors. So, even if the child knows the word “ball”, the child will not be able to say “big red ball” because they don’t have those descriptors.  When the child should be speaking in 6-, 7- and 8-word sentences, these children will be speaking in 2 or 3-word utterances.  

Inability to hold multiple tasks in memory:  Is the child unable to remember and carry out a command containing multiple tasks? 

Pattern non-recognition: “Circle, square, circle, square, circle… If the child cannot say what comes next that’s a red flag.   

Insufficient word exposure:  In their developmental years, children need to hear about 21,000 words each day being spoken and used in sentences by family, teachers, and other sources such as computer-assisted teaching aids in the home and in the classroom.