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Hour 1 SoundCloudImpossible Question: Yesterday's  Q: You’re more likely to do this on a Wednesday than any other day of the week. What is it? *A: Go on a first date Today'sQ: More men than women are distracted by this while driving. What is it?A: Billboards COVID Stats Still flat or going down depending on the stateUS Death - 584 - 7 day average - Colorado 10 JBS Cyberattack FBI says Russia-linked REvil responsible for JBS cyberattack. Article here        Matt Peale  How to do everyday things including golf and tennis preparation without creating a new injury. Questions Answered: Golf & tennis examples:  What muscles need to be stretched to help a swing after guys are sitting for hours at work? What are a few warm-up moves/exercises before a match? How can I reduce back pain to help my swing? Heavier lifting in the gym examples: What warm-up stretches can I do? How can I increase the weight I lift without hurting myself as I get older? I’m over 60 and losing strength, how can I keep what I have? Matt's websiteInterview here. Mobile users begin at 9:02 Water  Sleep Sense Program Dana Obleman - Founder of the […]