Why is Covid Being Pushed so Hard?
John Rush and Steve House take a deep dive into the many factors of Covid and how the Biden Administration is using this to control social media and unlawfully claim that an emergency use authorization vaccination is safe.
Jen Psaki just said “We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation.” Should be terrifying to anyone who values free speech. Big tech companies are now default state actors. pic.twitter.com/xOosfhuF2y — Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) July 15, 2021
Overall what we are witnessing is what the North Koreans, Chinese, and Russian governments do to their people. This is what happens in those countries, not the United States. It looks like the Chinese game system of social scoring is coming to America. As a citizen, you get a score.
The Biden Administration is pushing a war with the American people and it’s escalating very rapidly. This huge control factor is being pushed by the powers that be. And in this case, it’s the White House and the folks that are on the far left.
An excerpt from John and Steve’s Commentary
John: And, Steve, I’m just confused as to why we, as a populist have given them this much power and why we haven’t resisted before. Now there’s still very little resistance out there.
Steve: Yeah, I know. And this was a very big topic of conversation over the weekend because I was actually in a spiritual setting talking to some folks who are just good Christians like I am. And everybody came back with sort of the same conclusion, which is, we’re trying to be told not to fight because fighting is politically incorrect. So you take away in the Christian sense, you take away onward Christian soldier. You take away, battle hymn of the Republic. You don’t sing those songs anymore because they’re an implication that there’s evil in the world and you have to fight it. What you’re really supposed to do is be quiet and go along and not rock the boat. And we’ve got people who are fact-checking us, who are clearly biased in what they’re doing. It’s time to fight it’s long past time to fight. And if we don’t do it, we’re going to get stuff that we never even dreamed.

John: Yet when did it become? Because I don’t know the answer to this Steve, when did it become acceptable in Christian circles and conservative circles to literally stop fighting for fear that we would be labeled some sort of a whack job or somebody that’s way out there on their beliefs or what have you when, in fact, I can go all the way back in time, even when Christ walked this Earth and there wasn’t anything about Jesus Christ himself that wasn’t polarizing. He was, at the time, the most polarizing individual on the planet, and in a lot of ways started the ruckus Himself. He did that in the temple. There was nothing mealy-mouth about this guy whatsoever. And yet, as a Church were the opposite of that today.
See the Related blog post: The Consistency of Human Nature