Told through the eyes of the people who were there on the ground, Capitol Punishment shows the world the true story of January 6, 2021.
“…And it wasn’t until a few weeks later we were screening another film we had done. And then, the audience asked us what would we do for an encore? And I immediately said January 6. And I said, Why? I said because they’ve stolen that day in history. They’re telling a false narrative, and the truth needs to be documented before it’s been completely rewritten. And next thing I know, we’re making this movie and it starts out from our point of view and others that were there that day. And you see January 6 like you’ve never seen it in any of the media reports.” – Chris Burgard
This is third World stuff, and it’s actually happening here in this country.
“…And then you see what happens to people that were there that day, some who were in the Capitol Building, several who were not, that got their doors broke down and stormtroopers coming to their house with armored personnel carriers flash-banging their four and seven-year-old children, dragging twelve-year-old daughters out in the cold, handcuffed, handcuffing their wives. Coy Griffin, Cowboys for Trump, never went in the building. He prayed at the capital, somebody gave him a microphone, and he got arrested and thrown into prison for three weeks in solitary confinement. The first nine days, no phone call to his family, no phone call to his attorney. This is third World stuff that’s right in Central America, and it’s actually happening here in this country. So we just made a movie about the truth.” – Chris Burgard
“It’s just ridiculous the way that the FBI, the CIA, and other organizations that we, by the way, as taxpayers, are paying for, have been weaponized for this administration.”
– John Rush
“To answer your question, you said what was the biggest surprise? The biggest surprise to me was, after bringing out this information, how scared people are to address it. And I’m talking about conservative leaders and conservative news organizations are scared to death to even address this thing.” – Chris Burgard
Biden’s Counter Revolution
Chris: But it’s surreal because when you see a counter-revolution happening in a country, and the government changes hands, first thing they do is they have to wipe out any voices of opposition. That’s what we’ve been seeing in this country for the last year and a half.
John: No, it really is, and Chris, it goes without saying we have seen pastors, individuals that have literally just stood on sidewalks with signs protesting abortion clinics and the like. I mean, we have seen people investigated for things that, quite honestly, Chris, before now, we would have never seen. It’s just ridiculous the way that the FBI, the CIA, and other organizations that we, by the way, as taxpayers, are paying for, have been weaponized for this administration.
Chris: Yesterday’s conspiracy theories are today’s spoiler alerts.
John: That’s right. That’s right. You’re exactly right.
Screenshots: Brian Sicknick’s Text Messages That He Sent To His Best Friend On January 6 Reveals Who Really Started The Riots Around The Capitol - USA SUPREME
— Chris Burgard (@ChrisSBurgard) August 7, 2022
How Bad is the Border?
“The border is worse than you could ever imagine that you could even articulate. … and it is so bad. First of all, we no longer have operational control. The border not even close. Okay. Who comes across that border is completely determined by the Mexican cartels and the people that they work for. … I did a piece six years ago saying, when I was at Breitbart, watch what’s coming across the border. Watch how they’re going to switch into heroin. Watch what’s going to happen to our country. Watch the people are going to die. And right now, last year alone, we lost 104,000 Americans to fentanyl that came across that border. 104,000. That’s more than Afghanistan, Iraq, and Vietnam Wars put together.” – Chris Burgard
Mexico, Men, and
the Military
And while everybody’s looking at the river and seeing the families coming across, no one’s looking at the number of not just military-age men we have coming in, but the actual number of men that are coming in this country that have military training. And we’ve found them, we’ve interrogated them, and they pretend not to be in the military. You push harder. Turns out, yes, they have had military training. – Chris Burgard
Joe Biden the Largest Child Trafficker in the Nation.
We have 266,000 unaccompanied children coming into this country since Joe Biden has been president 266,000. Over a quarter million unaccompanied children. It’s because of Joe Biden’s policies as they’ve done on purpose. This makes Joe Biden the largest child trafficker in the nation. – Chris Burgard

Chris Burgard
Director Chris Burgard, the Wisconsin-born and bred, award-winning filmmaker, made his 1986 Hollywood debut as Matthew Broderick’s dance double in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.” He quickly landed a recurring guest role on the popular 90’s sitcom, “Growing Pains” and appeared in numerous television and movie roles over the next several decades.
Photo Credits: Facebook, Twitter, HisGlory.TV

Chris Burgard
Director Chris Burgard, the Wisconsin-born and bred, award-winning filmmaker, made his 1986 Hollywood debut as Matthew Broderick’s dance double in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.” He quickly landed a recurring guest role on the popular 90’s sitcom, “Growing Pains” and appeared in numerous television and movie roles over the next several decades.
Photo Credits: Facebook and Twitter.