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Show Notes

June 6, 2024

John Rush host of Rush To Reason

Guests & Topics


Dr. Kelly Victory & Steve House

What we’ve learned over the past 4 years. / Comments 

Dr Fauci – Testimony this past week: Take the issue of “social distancing.” In a transcript of his private testimony from January, released in advance of his public testimony this week, he was asked about the “six feet” rule put in place by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “It just sort of appeared. I don’t recall, like, a discussion about whether it should be five or six or whatever,” he said. And later: “It sort of just appeared that six feet is going to be the distance.” Eco Health Alliance – Gain of Function Research – has been proven  / Comments 

How to tell when something has come from nature or a lab? / Comments  

What’s to be gained from gain of function research? Creating a solution then create the problem. / Comments   

Japan: ‘Billions of Vaccinated Will Die – Those Responsible Must Pay’ Article / Comments 

Listener Questions:
Are they seeing clots in the unvaccinated covid patients like they are seeing in the vaccinated? / Comments 
Have they noticed an increase in skin cancer patients in the vaccinated? The vaccine changes the immune response. / Comments 

With the vaccine rollout, there was a step-wise rise in ambulance calls for life-threatening conditions in spring 2021. Article / Comments 

Can Skin Cancer move into the rest of the body? / Comments 

Why are Pharmacies Failing? / Comments 

Distrust in the medical field. / Comments 

Warning about more coming. H5N1 – Bird Flu – lab created – gain of function research from Madison, WI / Comments 


Impossible Question: / Comments

A panel of students helps write Colorado laws. Article / Comments

Jerzee Joe  called in about what qualifies as a right. The simple test. 

Follow-up to students writing laws and basic human rights. / Comments 

Joe Biden: Let’s give public school teachers a raise. Article / Comments 

Sunny Kutcher – Young Americans Against Socialism & Educate Freedom TOPICS: Surround the White House on June 8. Article / Bishop Fulton J. Sheen — On Communism Video / Interview 

Wayne called in about Positive vs. Negative Rights. / Comments 


Dennis Michael Lynch (DML), founder of Great American Newsletter  Biden’s Executive Order. Leaving the Border Open and Why. Obama’s Fundamental Transformation / Interview 

Job Interview Data. Article / Comments / Part 2 

David Stryzewski – Sound Planning Group  – The FED Bubble – What the White House and the FED think is happening – what is really happening. Where to place your investments and reduce your bad debt. / Intervie