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Impossible Question Click here for the Impossible Question.  Covid: Why are We Continuing to Discriminate? John: "Where I am going to complain, though. Maybe complaint isn't the right word, but correct me if I'm wrong. But I'm so tired of seeing what I consider to be false headlines and things that are in the news on a daily basis. There's an article that just came out in KDVR, Colorado. Doctors sound off on Merck's pill to treat COVID-19. And essentially, this whole article is about how doctors would love to have some sort of an antiviral pill that they can actually give patients. In other words, they want to be able to treat patients for covid. Now, we already know that you can do that already, Dr. Kelly. But basically what this article gets down to as well. Ultimately, though, we just need to get people vaccinated that'll be the cure. That's not true." Dr. Kelly Victory: " No, it's not true. And this is my issue for the duration of this pandemic. John, I am not anti-vaccine. I'm very pro-vaccine, and I certainly hope that we ultimately are able to create vaccines for lots of viruses, covid being one. But the […]