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Show Notes

April 26, 2021

The Impossible Question

11% of us do this to help us sleep-what is it?  CBD oil  

MIT Covid Study

MIT researchers say time spent indoors increases risk of Covid at 6 feet or 60 feet in new study challenging social distancing policies. Full Article Here. John’s commented on since last April he has been commenting on how the covid restrictions are to train us and not really about health.  Mobile Users Begin at 4:00

Crypto Coin for Conservatives

Mark, a long-time listener, and the occasional caller has a crypto coin made for conservatives called Magacoin. https://www.magacoin.io/  Sign up now and get free coins. They commented on  The second amendment as the only reason we have the freedoms we still have. Fighting against the cancel culture and Texas is looking like it will become a blue state. Listen to the interview here. Mobile Users begin at 10:01

CA wants to ban all Oil Fracking by 2024 

CA wants to ban all Oil Fracking by 2024  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/apr/23/california-fracking-ban-oil-extraction
Things made from oil  https://www.ranken-energy.com/index.php/products-made-from-petroleum/

John’s comments about all of the 6,000 things plus items made from oil. Listen here. Mobile users begin at 20:07

Joined the Conversation

Craig called in about Texas and how it’s not far from flipping to blue. Check out the electoral maps on how the percentages went down for Trump in 2020. The cities are blue and the rural areas are red.

Craig mentioned the Movie Contagion and how he can see how it’s being played out today.  John mentioned that the lefts have succeeded in retraining people. Listen here. Mobile users begin at 24:52

The Ridiculous Court-Packing Plans

Jerrett Stepman from Heritage and author of the book: The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past joined John today and they dove into the left’s attempt to pack the courts and why historically it has not been done. Interview here. Mobile users begin at 33:02

Joined the Conversation

Dennis from Denver called about the products that oil makes. The Healthcare industry is a big one. It could not function without oil. Listen here. Mobile users begin at 48:22


Honesty and Transparency in Business

Marcus Sheridan – Author of They Ask, You Answer talked about how 33% of people would like to be salesman-free. Marcus talks about how to adjust as a business and what are the 5 biggest things buyers are looking for. Listen to the interview here

Car Reviews

Richard reviews the Toyota Supra and the Highlander and talked about Lebron James.  Listen to the review here. Mobile users begin at 16:00

Kevin Flesch

Rights when it comes to the Vaccine – Do you have to get one? 
Gun rights under the new Colorado Laws
New Gun Legislation

Why do I need a Lawyer
What can/should I expect when hiring one

Listen here  Mobile users begin at 27:59

Joined the Conversation

Jim called in Mobile users begin at 55:06 (Fifty Years Later) The Significance of the Nuremberg Code

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

Legal Questions

Why would I need an attorney? 

Kevin Flesch at Flesch and Beck Kurt Rogers Affordable Interest Mortgage 

Have a question? Give them a call. 

Why businesses spend the money to make sure that snow is cleared, gun storage, when a felon has the right to have a gun, signs that say guns are not permitted, what to do when you are being threatened, two sides of the fence, what to do if an officer asks to come into your house, traffic stops, why sometimes a policeman will keep talking to you, people with income properties not getting paid due to covid, 

